Executive coaching - Team Business Development
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Executive coaching

Executive coaching has the power to change the business landscape. It can be a key to growing your “strategic capability” and a powerful ingredient for your enterprise to ‘learn how to learn’.



As a manager or owner manager, you are aware that being a leader can be a lonely task. In this respect one-to-one executive coaching can really help. The reason being that honest, objective feedback and guidance from an experienced and qualified coach can develop both yourself and your team.


How do we work? We work with you to enable you to remove the personal obstacles that prevent you fulfilling the organisation’s real potential. Specifically executive coaching helps:


  • Sort out your priorities and focus on your most pressing issues
  • Get things off your chest by talking things over with a trusted outside observer
  • Obtain honest, objective feedback
  • Identify inner blockages to your future success and enable their removal
  • Unpick complex problems to arrive at the most potent next step to get a successful resolution
  • Develop powerful planning and decision-making skills
  • Handle the stress you are under


If you would like a confidential discussion about how executive coaching can help you just call Jeremy Old MBA BSc HGDip on 0845 0945 819 or email Jeremy@teambusinessdevelopment-co-uk.stackstaging.com


You are in safe hands


Jeremy is author of ‘Reinventing Management Thinking; using science to liberate the human spirit’. This groundbreaking management manual focuses on the role modern neuroscience and psychology can play in transforming productivity in the workplace.


In his professional work, Jeremy has twenty-five years experience as an independent management coach to small and mid-sized enterprises and non-profit organisations. His experience includes facilitating 54, strategic change or business improvement assignments across a wide range of industry sectors. On average these techniques yield an estimated 33 : 1 ROI for clients. In addition, Jeremy is qualified to MBA level, with a post-graduate diploma in psychotherapy.


Client testimonials …


We have learned a lot from Jeremy’s involvement and now have a clear structure to the way we run improvement projects. TBD has really helped us see the forward strategy, identifying future risks and opportunities in a structured way. Jerry Steedman MD Test Valley Packaging LLP


“Jeremy Old has the unique ability of engaging, understanding and pulling teams of people together across all disciplines in the business and focusing us all in achieving our personal and company goals – Fantastic!” Toby Martin, Director Mauveworx Ltd.

Executive coaching
Executive coaching changes the business landscape


“Too many companies still act as if all they need to do is hire great people (“get the right people on the bus!”) and turn them loose (“people have natural talent, just get out of the way!”). That may sound attractive, but I haven’t seen it work. If we want certain capabilities and behaviours, better to be deliberate about developing them.”


John Shook, veteran Toyota Senseii and author of Managing to Learn: Using the A3 management process

Here is what our clients think …


“At the time we really needed help, Jeremy came through and provided invaluable aid restructuring and redirecting the business. He put us back into a healthy profit after a really difficult period when the recession hit us. A year later we are using him again to help refine systems, processes and teamwork” Ed Taylor, Director, Taylor made Designs (UK) Ltd.


“I have been really exhilarated. This knowledge has changed my life.” Carl Hills General Manager PCE a division of Tuboscope oil field services company


“Senior managers now make more of a communal effort. We talk a lot more, whereas before we worked in isolation; each doing their own thing, but not really realizing our impact on other departments. Factory workflow is much improved and profitability s up.” Marc Allen director Tekne shop fitting Ltd